所内新闻 | 作者: | 时间:2019-02-19 | 已阅:1038
   由新世界出版社和中国日报出版的《绿动中国》、Evolution of Green China中英文一书近日出版发行。敬云川主任应出版者邀请为《绿动中国》一书题写了如下的书评:
“本书阐释的实现人与自然和谐发展不仅符合中国传统天人合一的哲学思想, 同时也在紧迫地呼吁我们给子孙后代留下一个美好家园。非常值得一读。
The thought-provoking collection is perfectly explaining the Chinese philosophical legacy of harmony between the nature and human in one way or other while urging us to race against deadlines to hand down a beautiful earth to the coming generations. It deserves intensive reading.
Jing Yunchuan, Founding Partner, Beijing Gaotong Law Firm
“China is heading low-carbon era. While keeping close eye on development of climate politics, China, as a rising power, should fulfill our responsibility in such a historic stage. I am delighted that the writers have enormously explained the point in the collection.”
Chi Fulin
Professor, senior political advisor to Central Government and President of China Institute for Development and Reform
著名电影演员  周迅
“We share environmental responsibility and we should act together. This is the timely message Evolution of Green China has sent”
Renowned actress Zhou Xun
"One of China's competitive advantages is its capacity to mobilize resources toward achieving goals, as we see with green issues presented in this book."
 Bertrand Moingeon, professor of Strategic Management and Deputy Dean of HEC Paris School of Management.
于硕  人类学教授;中欧论坛总监
“Perhaps China’s green efforts may help return the nature with beauty, the human with humanity”
Yu Shuo    Professor of Anthology and Director of Sino-Europe Social Forum

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